A248.e.akamai.net Description
A248.e.akamai.net can be deemed as a browser redirect that often gets into your computer via free software downloaded from third parties or unreliable websites. It can be compatible with your common browsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. Hence, you should never take it slightly.
Once infected, it can modify your browser default settings as as to launch itself automatically whenever you open a new tab or a browser. After that, each clicking on the infected browser firstly will be taken to a248.e.akamai.net and then you end up with various unwanted ads and pop-ups. In addition, it may install other bundled unwanted programs and malware. Furthermore, it generates tracking cookies to track your online trace and even collect your sensitive information for commercial purposes.
Due to its infected ways, you can prevent it by following some help tips: Always downloading software from the official vendor’s website, and making sure exactly what you are installing – don’t just click OK. Do not open the spam emails and never attempt to visit some unsafe websites, and so on.
A248.e.akamai.net removal processes
Process 1: Remove a248.e.akamai.net manually.
Process 2: Remove a248.e.akamai.net automatically with Spyhunter Antispyware.
Process 1: Remove a248.e.akamai.net manually.
Step 1: Stop related running processes in Windows Task Manager first.
( Methods to open Task Manager: Press CTRL+ALT+DEL or CTRL+SHIFT+ESC or Press the Start button->click on the Run option->Type in taskmgr and press OK.)

Hit Win+R keys, type "regedit" in Run box, and then click "OK" to open Registry Editor

Find out all harmful registry entries of the virus and delete all of them.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "<random>" = "%AppData%\<random>.exe"
In the drop-down list of Firefox, go to Help and click on Troubleshooting Information.
Click on the Reset Firefox button to reset it.

Google Chrome:
Click on the Chrome menu on the right of toolbar and then select Settings.
Scroll down to the bottom to click Show advanced settings.
Go down to the bottom and click Reset browser settings to reset Google Chrome to its default setting.

Click Tools on the up right corner and select Internet Options.
Click on Advanced tab, press Reset button to reset IE to its default settings

Process 2: Remove a248.e.akamai.net automatically with Spyhunter Antispyware.
Why so many people choose SpyHunter?
Summary: Manual removal of a248.e.akamai.net is complex and risky task, as it refers to key parts of computer system, and is recommended only for advanced users. If you haven’t sufficient expertise on doing that, it's recommended to download SpyHunter to help you.
- Protect your computer because of it’s sensitive detective capability and strong ability to kill virus.
- Be updated every day on a regular basis.
- Protect your personal information from releasing to every suspicious program.
- Display warnings when you enter unknown or suspicious websites.
Step 1: Press the following button to download SpyHunter.
Step 2: Save it into your computer and click on the Run choice to install it step by step.

Step 3: Click Finish then you can use it to scan your computer to find out potential threats by pressing Scan computer now!

Step 4: Tick Select all and then Remove to delete all threats.

Optional Solution: Download RegCure Pro to optimize PC
If you are still worried about whether the infection is removed completely and want to clean all the unwanted registry entries, it is recommended to use RegCure Pro.
Step 1. Install and launch RegCure Pro on your PC.
Step 2. Select "Yes" to download and install RegCure Pro.
Step 3. Click "Next" to continue.
Step 4. RegCure Pro will open automatically on your screen.
Step 5. RegCure Pro is scanning your PC for error.
Step 6. After scanning, choose the issues you want to fix.

Step 6. After scanning, choose the issues you want to fix.

Summary: Manual removal of a248.e.akamai.net is complex and risky task, as it refers to key parts of computer system, and is recommended only for advanced users. If you haven’t sufficient expertise on doing that, it's recommended to download SpyHunter to help you.
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